How To Find Christian Drug Rehab In Virginia

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No matter where you are on your recovery journey, integrating your Christian faith into your treatment could yield favorable results.

Faith-based treatment enjoys the benefits of a shared Biblical vocabulary with your therapist, the power of vulnerable prayer, the support of a sober community, and the reliance on a personal God who can assist you through the most hopeless days of your recovery.

Christian drug rehabs in Virginia are designed to build or strengthen your spiritual connection to God in order to battle drug use or mental health disorders.

Key points:

  • Faith-based rehab and support groups help you build or strengthen your spiritual connection to God as you fight addiction.
  • Some local resources include Saint Labre Community, Recovery Unplugged, Narcotics Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The most powerful tools of Christian Rehab include therapy, Group Support, Prayer, Reciting Scripture, and Engaging With Christian Music.
  • Look for a Christian rehab program that offers centralized biblical principles, a full range of treatment programs, faith-based therapy, and accessible costs or payment options.

Where To Find Christian Rehab Near Arlington, Virginia?

Many Christian churches have some version of a recovery support program. Several organizations near Arlington have their own Christian rehab programs. Here are just a few:

Recovery Unplugged

Located in Annandale, VA, Recovery Unplugged offers a virtual faith-based therapy program that focuses on faith in God, the power of a supportive community, genuine self-reflection/humility, and willingness to embrace change through spiritual engagement.

Treatment sessions last 6 to 10 weeks and include licensed therapists, Bible readings, prayer, group exercises, individual exercises, and engagement with spiritual music. They want to use your faith to bolster your chances of long-lasting recovery

Calvary Road Baptist Church

Located on the outskirts of Alexandria, VA, CRBC is a welcoming place for newcomers or long-time members.

They host a “Celebrate Recovery” program for people who are struggling and looking for both peace and sanity in their lives. It’s a 12-step program that places Christ at the center of addiction recovery.

Christ Church

Christ Church is located in Fairfax, VA, and is a good place to find community with other people in addiction recovery.

They host a “Celebrate Recovery” program every week and include both live worship music and free childcare. It’s meant for participants 18 years of age and older and includes both large-group and small-group sessions.

Need Help Finding Support Groups Near Arlington, Virginia?

One of the best parts about Christian recovery support programs is that there are so many local options for people with addictions.

Since 73% of Virginians claim Christianity as their religion and there are around 10,088 congregations in the state, there should be plenty of local church resources near you.

Another example of a local Christian-based support network is the Saint Labre Community in nearby Alexandria.

Meeting times are subject to variation, so check your desired church’s website for recent information, but you can also use Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting search tools to find a meeting near you in Virginia.

If you’re not sure what program or support group would be a good fit for you, Recovery Unplugged can point you in the right direction and provide valuable resources along the way. Call today to learn more.

What to Expect in Christian Rehab Treatment

What Is Christian Rehab Treatment?

Christian drug rehab treatment incorporates your faith in God into addiction treatment.

You’ll read through scripture with a licensed and accredited therapist, interpreting familiar stories and characters in the context of your addiction. This should shed a new light on your thought patterns and behaviors

As you disclose your addiction history, you will be modeling the kind of vulnerability God calls us to in your prayer life. Prayer is an essential part of Christian rehab treatment.

This is evidence-based therapy.

In one meta-analysis, 84% of surveyed scientific studies found faith was a positive factor in promoting addiction recovery.[1] Not only that, the authors argued that the decline in religious affiliation is not only a concern for the spiritual life of churches but is a national health concern.[2]

Moreover, another study found that secular psychotherapy that integrated religious beliefs was more effective in reducing chronic mental illness in faith-based clients than purely secular therapies.[3]

Types of Christian Rehab Treatment:

Talking Therapy

Psychotherapy is still a component of Christian rehab treatment. Whether the treatment center has integrated Christian theology into traditional cognitive behavioral therapy or through some other method, having a confidential, vulnerable relationship with a trained therapist is primary.

Group Sessions

Community with fellow Christians who are pursuing recovery from addiction is crucial for success. They can give you encouragement on the bad days, and you can even encourage them when they are feeling low.

You can even trade practical tips on how to avoid relapsing. The social interaction between you and other Christians with addictions can provide the necessary support to remain sober.


There are few things more encouraging than participating in group or individual prayer. Disclosing your thoughts to God takes away the shame of trying to keep your struggle a secret.

Furthermore, prayer can help you refocus your thoughts from obsessing over things you can’t change and instead contemplate the God who can change you. Best yet, you can practice the art of disclosing your daily struggles to God.

Reciting Scripture

The word of the Lord endures forever (1 Peter 1:25, King James Version). Even though the last words of the Bible were penned nearly two thousand years ago, they still carry meaning and promise for us today. God promises us hope and a future.

Engaging With Christian Music

Christian music can be both hopeful and encouraging. On top of that, there are certain neural populations in your brain that only respond to the sound of music + singing.[4] Your brain releases dopamine when it anticipates a song it knows it will like to hear.[5]

These realities, combined with the power of your faith, can make engaging with Christian music particularly powerful for promoting recovery.

What To Look For In Christian Rehab In Virginia:

The main criteria in choosing Christian rehab centers in Virginia should be sound use of Biblical principles, treatment programs, variety of therapies, and affordability:

Centralized Biblical Principles

The Bible should be thoroughly integrated into both the rehab center’s organizational culture and the treatment programs. They should practice what they preach.

Biblical principles, stories, and characters are highly relatable and can teach us profound truths about hardship, addiction, and suffering, as well as hope, restoration, and forgiveness.

Treatment Programs

A Christian rehab center needs to have an appropriate level of care that can satisfy whatever stage of addiction recovery you are in. Whether you need constant access to licensed healthcare personnel, like in detox, or whether you just need support during daytime business hours, make sure the organization can support you.

Does it have detox, residential, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, outpatient, and/or aftercare programs? Make sure you are realistic about whatever level of care you need to recover from your addiction

Faith-Based Therapy

Do they provide evidence-based therapies such as MAT (Medication Assisted Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), or TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)? Are the therapists properly licensed and accredited?

For faith-based therapy, do they offer different types of treatment such as Scripture recitation, group sessions, and engagement with Christian music?

Affordability and Access

Paying for Christian drug rehab in Virginia should not be a barrier to treatment. Do they accept your insurance? Are they up-front about the cost of treatment, and do they offer a variety of payment plans? There are a number of creative financing solutions available.  Call now to verify your insurance.

Why Choose A Christian Drug Rehab In Virginia?

Christian drug rehab doesn’t ignore, pander to, or avoid the God you worship. Instead, your therapist will be open and understanding of your Christian beliefs. It’s refreshing to have your beliefs dignified by your therapist.

When you need to summon extra power to get through a particularly hard day during recovery, it helps to know exactly where to turn. When your care team is fully accepting of the faith-based therapy you’ve chosen, it gives you the confidence to put in the hard work of recovery.

It’s nice when your therapist talks in a language you can understand. As a Christian, language like “redemption” and “restoration” are part and parcel of ordinary church conversation. When your therapy is couched in the same terminology, it feels more tangible.


[1][2] Grim, B. J., & Grim, M. E. (2019, October). Belief, behavior, and belonging: How faith is indispensable in preventing and recovering from substance abuse. Journal of religion and health.

[3] Pearce, M. J., Koenig, H. G., Robins, C. J., Nelson, B., Shaw, S. F., Cohen, H. J., & King, M. B. (2015, March). Religiously integrated cognitive behavioral therapy: A new method of treatment for major depression in patients with chronic medical illness. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.).

[4] Norman-Haignere SV;Feather J;Boebinger D;Brunner P;Ritaccio A;McDermott JH;Schalk G;Kanwisher N; (n.d.). A neural population selective for song in human auditory cortex. CB.

[5] Salimpoor, V. N., Benovoy, M., Longo, G., Cooperstock, J. R., & Zatorre, R. J. (n.d.). The rewarding aspects of music listening are related to degree of emotional arousal. PLOS ONE.

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