DUI and Drug Court Guidance
Addiction in the United States has spawned multiple public health and quality-of-life crises, one of the most glaring and immediate of which is the mass incarceration of low-level, non-violent drug offenders. In a culture that very often puts enforcement ahead of treatment, many drug offenders who would be better served in rehab programs are often given lengthy prison sentences.
In addition to delaying or outright preventing the dispensation of care that these offenders need, this excessive enforcement can have a very real and significant lasting impact on families and overcrowd jails. Data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons indicates that over 45 percent of the incarcerated population is imprisoned for drug offenses. There are, however, more and more drug courts being established that allow eligible offenders to opt for treatment over incarceration.
Drug courts are localized programs governed by county officials that are designed to help rehabilitate eligible defendants who are facing serious legal charges for drug-related infractions. Recovery Unplugged offers expert, comprehensive court liaison services to walk eligible drug court participants through the process and deploy the treatment they need to enter recovery and stay compliant with the terms of their agreement.
Recovery Unplugged is a national addiction treatment organization with court liaisons positioned all over the country to give eligible defendants the information and guidance they need to move seamless through their local drug court system. We offer a full suite of services, including but not limited to:
- Treatment planning and placement
- Downward departure facilitation
- Alternate sentencing facilitation
- Assessments and written reports
- Substance abuse evaluations
- Marchman Act implementation and utilization
- In-Custody or Out-of-Custody assessment
Drug treatment diversion programs redirect first-time drug offenders with non-violent crimes into treatment to receive proper help with their addiction. The ultimate purpose of these programs was to redirect adjudicated felons with substance abuse from prison. Researchers have found that drug court programs reduce recidivism rates compared to probation. Recovery Unplugged offers court liaison services throughout our multiple locations across the country.k in a relaxed, fun and musically oriented atmosphere.
Broward County
Drug Court Program
Broward County’s Drug Court Program is one of the oldest in the country. It offers two distinct diversion programs that allow patients to enter treatment rather than serve lengthy prison terms: the Pretrial Intervention Program and the State funded Post-Adjudicatory Program. Pretrial intervention serves as an alternative to traditional incarceration for first time, non-violent criminal offenders who are charged with the purchase or possession of a controlled substance and other substance abuse-related offenses. Recovery Unplugged has been working with the Broward County Drug Court Program since our inception, and have helped guide numerous participants toward treatment at our Fort Lauderdale Facility.
The Palm Beach County Drug Court Program offers specific options for juvenile and adult offenders. They also offer a family drug court option that helps parents struggling with substance use work toward reunification. The Juvenile Drug Court Program is open to eligible for participants between the ages 14 and 17 years of age who are residents of Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Adult Drug Court Program is a judicially-supervised drug treatment program which provides substance abuse treatment to nonviolent, adult, drug-involved felony defendants. Recovery Unplugged offers treatment for Palm Beach County Drug Court participants at our Lake Worth Facility.
Offenders who were arrested in Travis County for a felony drug-related offense will have a full review of their criminal histories conducted through the District Attorney’s Office. If they are deemed legally eligible for the program, they are required to complete an assessment to determine clinical appropriateness as well. The Miami-Drug Court is the first in the nation and was established in 1989 to help low-level, non-violent offenders get a second chance at sobriety, health and freedom. Since its inception, thousands of Miami-Dade residents have been able rebuild their lives, find their way to recovery and become productive members of society. Recovery Unplugged has worked extensively judges with the Miami-Dade County Drug Program to guide patients toward treatment and a better future. If you or your loved one live in Miami-Dade County and are facing drug-related incarceration, let Recovery Unplugged work with you to enter treatment and successfully complete your program.
Travis County Drug Court Program is not translatable to offenders in other counties. Once, an individual has been formally accepted into the program by the presiding Judge. They will attend an orientation session which will explain all program requirements. Our Travis County court liaison works to guide eligible participants toward treatment at our Austin treatment facility.
In September of 2018, the County of Fairfax launched one the country’s newest drug court programs to help residents get treatment instead of prison time. The Fairfax County Drug Court is a felony probation violation phase progression model that takes a participant 14 to 24 months to complete. After an eligibility assessment, if selected, the participant will be ordered into drug court with the non-violent felony probation violation dismissed; probation will be terminated on successful completion of the program. This process takes place in lieu of jail. Court liaison personnel at Recovery Unplugged Northern Virginia Treatment are currently making inroads to help eligible participants into treatment.