What No One Tells You About Working in Addiction Recovery
September 4, 2024
Katlynn’s favorite work is the kind where her heart resides ... with those in recovery who appreciate the arts and all the ways they can heal. With a passion for advocacy and creativity, she’s come full circle from her professional start as a writer for nonprofits in Chicago. Katlynn has created content for Marketing and Ad agencies from NYC to Austin, and continues to be a writer, strategist, and consultant for many well-known global companies. Katlynn is also a classically trained vocalist who has performed internationally and credits music as an inspiring and restorative part of her own journey of recovery. She’s been sober since 2000 and is beyond grateful to be of service, especially at Recovery Unplugged. Katlynn and her spouse currently reside within their curiosity shop and gallery, behind a hidden door within a bookshelf. Yep, really! "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality" ~ Lewis Carroll
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