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5 Things to Know about Addiction Recovery for People Considering Treatment

While there are more than five things to know about addiction recovery, we’ll start with some basics. One thing to keep in mind is that it’s different for everyone. The way you or your loved one pursues, manages, and nurtures addiction recovery is as unique as the factors that led you to substance abuse in the first place. Within these unique journeys, however, are a few universal truths of which everyone should be mindful, regardless of their place in the recovery process. Here are five things to know about addiction recovery for people who are unsure of the process and getting started.

Recovery Is Possible

First and foremost: you can do this! No matter what addiction has cost you, no matter how long or how much you’ve been battling substance abuse, no matter how many times you’ve been to treatment, it’s never too late to turn it all around. Don’t get discouraged if doesn’t take the first time. You just need to find the right program for your unique care needs.

Recovery Has More Than One Path

There are many ways to pursue treatment and recovery, from traditional methods such as AA and NA to more modern approaches like SMART Recovery. Some people may also prefer remote or faith-based treatment to help their recovery. Whatever works for you!

Recovery Is About More Than “Quitting”

Recovery is about building a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life without relying on drugs or alcohol. This means addressing the root causes of substance abuse and its medical, behavioral, and lifestyle impact. The right treatment program will offer a “whole-person” approach to recovery, including medical and mental health treatment, and lifestyle guidance (nutrition, career, family, relationships, etc.).

You Can Afford Recovery

There are more ways than ever before to cover the cost of your treatment. Whether it’s private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, private pay, or anything else. Many programs also offer sliding-scale (pay what you can) options, financing, and scholarships.

The quickest way to find out how you can pay for treatment is to call your prospective treatment provider and explore your options with an insurance verification and an examination of your resources.

Recovery Offers Rewards You Haven’t Even Considered

Imagine being able to sleep through the night. Imagine being able to connect with family and loved ones on holidays without anxiety or drama. Imagine being able to hold your head high at work or not having to worry about when your withdrawal symptoms will start after your supply runs out. One of the most important of these five things to know about recovery is that it’s a lifelong pursuit, but it’s also a rebuilding of life from the ground up. This includes your physical and mental health, your professional and financial stability, your social and romantic relationships, your family, and all other areas of your life that have been impacted.

Recovery can also provide a whole new community of supporters, allies, and cheerleaders that have been through similar obstacles and can lend guidance and insights when you need them most. If you or someone you care about is on the fence about entering treatment or don’t think it will work, consider what life is like right now while living in addiction.

When you’re ready, Recovery Unplugged is here to guide you toward treatment, recovery, and a better tomorrow.

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