Addiction Treatment

Finding the Right Drug Rehab Program: 6 Questions to Ask


First, congratulations on recognizing that you need help and pursuing treatment, whether for yourself or someone you care about.

As hard as it is right now, and as cliched as this may sound, the search for a rehab program really does represent the first phase of healing and a return to a balanced and manageable life. 

It’s important, however, to find a rehab program that works for you. One of the reasons why relapse rates for substance use disorder remain high is because many people get discouraged by rehab after spending time in a program that couldn’t adequately serve their needs. How, then, can you help ensure the program you’re choosing is setting you or your loved one up for success? Here are five critical factors to consider when selecting a program. 

Can It Actually Help You?

This a simplistic question on its face, but the reality is that not every treatment center offers the targeted and in-depth programming you may need. Can the facility you’re considering offer inpatient treatment if you need a residential program? Can they provide medical detoxification to help with your withdrawal symptoms? Do they offer medication-assisted treatment to help with opioid cravings? Do they provide dual-diagnosis programs to help with underlying mental health conditions?

Your care needs are unique and it’s essential that your facility is adaptable to address the full breadth of your challenges. One of the first steps to finding the right rehab program for you and your loved one is knowing the kind of help you need and going from there. 

Think about how long you’ve been struggling, what kind of drugs you’re using, your medical and mental health diagnoses, and lifestyle challenges. It may help to get your doctor and therapist involved in your decision-making process. 

Does It Work for Your Lifestyle Needs?

Even the “best” rehab programs will fall short if you’re not able to fully embrace them. If you’re distracted by worries about work, family, or any other lifestyle factors, you’ll be less present in your treatment routine. 

While getting help is most important and often the first step to fixing everything else in your life, it’s critical that you find a program that can realistically meet you where you are. Do you need online treatment to accommodate your schedule? Do you need an inpatient program that provides in-depth care but allows you to stay present in your family or career? 

Look for a program that you will stick to and commit yourself to avoid relapse and discouragement from recovery. 

What Is The Staff Like?

A rehab program is only as strong as its staff. From the doctors and therapists who provide clinical care to the case workers, support staff, and executive leadership who drive its daily and long-term mission. Researching the staff at the facility you’re considering not only helps you ensure they have an adequate clinical team to address your needs but also gives you a chance to research their reputation, credentials, and experience. Feel free and empowered to ask questions and do as much research as possible about the staff at your prospective program. 

How Are Their Aftercare and Post-Treatment Support?

This is a big one but it often gets overlooked. It’s critical that you have strong and reliable support following treatment, particularly in the first few months. When considering a treatment center, find out as much as you can about its alumni program, family education and support resources, outreach and follow-up plans, and more. Do they offer comprehensive aftercare plans that allow you to seamlessly continue your therapy? Can they help you continue your medication-assisted treatment? Are there opportunities to gather with fellow program alumni in person and online? Do you need sober living or transition assistance? Post-treatment support and connection are one of the most effective tools against relapse. 

Can You Afford It?

As important and necessary as treatment is, the fact is many people find themselves struggling to pay for it. It helps to find out what treatment resources fit within your budget straight away so you can narrow down your search. If you’re using your insurance to pay for rehab, as many do, find a treatment center that is in-network with your plan. This means they have a contract with your health insurance plan and have agreed to pay a pre-negotiated rate, which results in lower costs. 

Create A Rehab Checklist 

If you’re looking for rehab for yourself, have a loved one help you find a program so you can move quickly to start getting treatment. While each person’s treatment journey will be different, having a checklist or questionnaire handy can help you choose a program that’s right for you. Some helpful questions to ask include: 

  • What models of treatment do they offer (inpatient, outpatient, online, etc.)?
  • What types of therapies do they offer?
  • Are there doctors on staff?
  • What insurance do they accept?
  • How long is each treatment program?
  • Are they accredited?
  • Do they offer evidence-based therapies?
  • What are the residences like? (If choosing residential treatment). 

When asking about residential treatment, you can also find out if they offer food options that meet your nutritional and cultural needs and what other amenities are offered. 

More Food for Thought…

Each person’s treatment needs are unique, and even rehab programs that look good on paper may not work the first time. It’s important not to give up if your first rehab attempt (or any other) doesn’t work. It’s also helpful to be aware of facilities that offer outlandish and dramatic success rates, don’t offer evidence-based therapies, are unlicensed, and have a poor reputation in the treatment landscape. 

Recovery Unplugged is proud to offer all levels of rehab, including inpatient, outpatient, online, and others, as well as comprehensive evidence-based techniques from expert doctors and therapists. We are in network with most major insurance companies and offer a robust alumni program to help our patients maintain and exceed the progress they made in treatment. Whether you’re looking for rehab for yourself or your loved one, we’re ready to help

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