Joseph Gorordo Featured on Recovery – Coast to Coast Podcast

Joseph Gorordo
Dominic Nicosia

Written By

Dominic Nicosia

Recovery Unplugged VP of Business Development Joseph Gorordo has certainly been making the rounds as of late. Last month millions saw him on A&E’s Addiction Unplugged and this month, he could be found at the Texas Association of Addiction Professionals (TAAP) 45th Annual Conference, where he was featured on the inimitable Recovery – Coast to Coast podcast with host Neil Scott.

The interview came after a two-hour conference session on the value of music in addiction treatment, and consisted of Joseph discussing the Recovery Unplugged treatment approach, the way we integrate music into our programming, and its multi-layered emotional and physiological benefits in the care process.

The conversation than shifted to a picture of a day in the life of a Recovery Unplugged client, and a snapshot of our full continuum of treatment, from pre-screening to treatment to discharged and aftercare.

Joseph also wove in some candid details of his own treatment and  recovery journey, discussed the continued growth of our robust alumni community, and shared some illuminating stories of how he has used music to connect with emotionally vulnerable clients who were initially resistant to treatment.

The interview closed with a brief conversation about the emotional duality of music…but that’s more than enough spoilers! Hear for yourself.

Recovery Unplugged would like to thank Recovery – Coast to Coast for having us on the air, and Joseph for his continued dedication to driving our message of music-assisted addiction care.

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Dominic Nicosia

Dominic, a seasoned content writer at Recovery Unplugged, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the realm of healthcare writing, particularly in the addiction and recovery field.

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