Hydrocodone Withdrawal
Hydrocodone withdrawal is a problem for Americans of all age groups. Don’t let it take over your life. Call Recovery Unplugged today for quality medical detox of your hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms.
1 (855) 384-5794Symptoms of hydrocodone withdrawal
The opioid family of drugs share much of the same withdrawal symptoms; however, each user’s specific withdrawal period is contingent upon their substance abuse history. Hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms range from mild to severe and can often include joint and muscle pain, runny nose and flu-like symptoms, excessive sweating, chills, goosebumps, intestinal distress (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), extreme headaches, depression, anxiety and much more. Patients who endeavor to tackle these symptoms on their own almost always wind up relapsing. Hydrocodone withdrawal treatment is a bona fide medical procedure, just like managing diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain or any other serious medical condition.
Causes of hydrocodone withdrawal
Hydrocodone users start to experience withdrawal through many circumstances. While it’s true that many start abusing Vicodin and other forms of hydrocodone for pure recreational purposes, it’s also true that many start taking the drug for legitimate medical reasons and wind up getting hooked. For example, generic hydrocodone is very often prescribed to senior citizens for chronic pain and other conditions. The reality is that, as the body ages, it can be slow in metabolizing these drugs, leading to accelerated tolerance. Many patients simply wind up become dependent on hydrocodone through misuse of a legitimate medical supply; this is why it’s critical monitor intake and work with your prescribing physician to gradually get off the drug as soon as possible.
Hydrocodone withdrawal treatment
Treatment for hydrocodone withdrawal is a complicated and delicate medical procedure. Any treatment plan should take into account patients’ underlying pain-related conditions and integrate treatment for their symptoms in a compassionate and effective manner. The cruel irony of prescription opioid addiction is that it often leads to a condition called hyperalgesia, which means an acute sensitivity to pain. This means that the condition for which they started taking the drugs in the first place may be more exacerbated during the withdrawal process. Hydrocodone users who endeavor to quit on their own run a significantly heightened risk of relapse.
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