Clonazepam Withdrawal

You don’t have to let Clonazepam withdrawal cripple your mental health. Call Recovery Unplugged now to start regaining your clarity and quality of life.

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Clonazepam withdrawal symptoms

Symptoms of clonazepam withdrawal mirror those of other benzos. Each user’s withdrawal symptoms will vary, based upon the scope and severity of their use; however, some of the more common tend to include sleep disturbance, irritability, increased tension and anxiety, panic attacks, hand tremor, sweating, difficulty with concentration, confusion and cognitive difficulty, memory problems, dry retching and nausea, weight loss, palpitations, headache, muscular pain and more. If you or a loved one are experiencing these or any other symptoms related to your clonazepam withdrawal, it’s critical that you contact your prescribing physician to either adjust your dose your exploring treatment options.

Clonazepam withdrawal timeline

The timeline for clonazepam withdrawal usually plays out over three stages: early, acute and protracted. Depending upon how long and how often a person has been abusing these drugs, symptoms can last for months even after clinical withdrawal treatment. Early symptoms often manifest in just a few hours after the last dose. These symptoms are usually mild and often last for about 24-28 hours. The acute stage of the withdrawal process represents the worst of the symptoms and usually lasts for one to two days. Eventually symptoms will start to taper; however, they can still last for months and may need ongoing management from your physician.

The need for professional withdrawal management

Many make the mistake of thinking that, since benzos are legally prescribed by physicians, they are somehow less dangerous than drugs like cocaine or heroin. The reality is that thousands of people overdose from these drugs per year and you need bona fide professional help to help you manage the worst of the withdrawal symptoms. Those who endeavor to withdrawal from clonazepam or any other type of benzos run a significantly heightened risk of relapse. Rather than stay on the revolving cycle of relapse and further withdrawal, get professional help immediately. Clonazepam withdrawal is best managed by an experienced and qualified medical professional.

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